Cole James – Cole James Ceramics
As humans we perceive natural phenomena as taking ages, yet in the eyes of the earth the growth, erosion, decay and destruction it performs on itself is just the blink of an eye.
Nelson Hernandez – LB Cactus Club
I started to notice plants, specifically cacti and the Trichocereus genus via the Chavin de Huantar cultural site in Peru. I went down the rabbit hole and consumed all the information I could find about these plants.
Edgar Vargas – Your Cacti Succs
I hope I can continue to grow my inventory of unique and hard to find plants. My goal is to be one of the biggest Southern California growers of these rare and exotic plants.
Carmichael C&S Society
Established in 1970.
Meets on first Thursdays.
Santa Barbara – C&S Society
Established in 1976.
Meets on third Wednesdays.
Gates C&S Society
Established in 1959.
Meets on First Wednesdays.
San Francisco S&C Society
Established in 1984.
Meets on third Tuesdays.
Sacramento C&S Society
Established in 1960.
Meets on fourth Monday.
Central Coast C&S Society
Established in ?
Meets on second Sundays.
Palomar C&S Society
Established in 1957.
Meets on fourth Saturdays.